Ice cream is the best! You know what else is the best? Lazing around on a nice summer day and doing whatever you want to do. Loafing, lazing and putzing can bring great joy to the inner child in all of us.
Don’t forget to laze.
A proper putzing is done without a smart phone or computer. To find joy in the moment, tell yourself you’re going to laze and, gasp!, risk being bored. Now that you’ve set your technology out of sight, go outside.
Where can you laze?
- Your backyard.
- A nearby park.
- The beach.
What will you do?
- Lay on a blanket or towel.
- Rest on a bench.
- Sit back in a beach chair.
Do you see any flowers or interesting grasses?

Make a Flower Chain!
- Pick a small handful of flower or grass stems.
Note: Only pick flowers that are okay to pluck. I wouldn’t want you to steal. Flowers, such as clover or dandelion, in a lawn are considered fair game.
- Pull apart the stem to make a small slit.
Tamawi’s Tip: This is a great activity for children to practice fine motor skills. It takes a bit of practice and patience. A few duds and mistakes are to be expected, even for adults.
- Insert the stem of a flower into the slit of another flower. Continue inserting stems into the next consecutive stem until you make a chain as long as you desire.
- You can stop here and use the chain as a garland or you can insert the flower of the first stem on the chain into the last slit of the chain to make a circle.
Ways to Use Your Flower Chain
- Garland
- Crown
- Ring
- Necklace
- Bracelet
- Anything You Dream Up
Congratulations, now you’re learning the art of lazing!
Have you made flower chains? What flowers did you use? Share your suggestions in the comments below.

Did You Know?
If you used clover for your flower chain, did you notice how sweet they smell? Did you observe any bees visiting clover flowers?
Sweet clover honey is the most common type of honey.
Why is clover the most common type of honey? Because the US government provides incentives for farmers to plant crops that enrich soils, curb erosion and provide wildlife habitat.
- Clover is a nitrogen fixing plant, which means the plant takes nitrogen from the air and adds it back to the soil. Enriches soil – check!
- Planting a crop rather than leaving bare soil stops precious top soil from eroding away. Prevent erosion – check!
- Bees love to collect nectar from clover flowers. This means beekeepers can set hives near fields of clover and collect loads of sweet honey. Wildlife habitat without pesticides – check!
Looking for another outdoor activity to try? Make Your Own Bark Rubbing!