I’m a breakfast lover. Oh! You are too? Then, you’re in the right place. Are you tired of the same old cold cereal? Maybe you’d like a faster breakfast option to prepare than pancakes or French toast. Or maybe you want to keep kids busy for a while as you sip your coffee.

The cure-all answer is to make your own mandala-decorated breakfast.

Choose Your Porridge

You need oats, farina (cream of wheat) or grits as a base to make your edible mandala design. Choose your favorite and cook up a batch, according to the package instructions. Spoon a serving of porridge into a bowl.

Choose Your Toppings

What’s in season? Pick up some fresh fruits at the farmer’s market or harvest them from your garden. You can change which colorful toppings you used depending on what is available at different times of the year.

This week there are tons of borage flowers in my garden. Borage porridge it is!

Here are some more topping ideas:

  • Calendula
  • Blueberries
  • Borage
  • Raspberries
  • Mint
  • Nuts
  • Dill? Wait that might be weird. I dare you to try it!

Arrange Your Fresh Ingredients

Start in the center and place one of any ingredient you choose. Next, make a circle around the central item. Continue adding circles and alternating ingredients until the top of your porridge is a masterpiece.

Now, eat your masterpiece.

Make a Mandala Breakfast

I’d love to see how your design turned out. Share a picture on Facebook @Cultivating Curiosities or comment below with other ideas of fresh ingredients for us all to use.

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