Start Your Own Baby Succulent Plants

What’s better than a succulent plant? First of all, having five succulent plants is better. Secondly, we can all agree having ten cute baby succulent plants to watch grow up is even better. Now that we’re all on the same page, let’s turn our single succulent plant into many baby plants! Easy Succulents to Propagate: …

Why, When and How to Prune Annabelle Hydrangea

If you’re looking for a flower that you can see from a block away because it’s bigger than your head, then ‘Annabelle’ hydrangeas are the shrub for you. This type of hydrangea grows well in shade or part shade (4 hour or less of direct sun); mine never gets direct sunlight in its nook on …

Green is for Zinnia, Peas and Dill

The color green isn’t just for fans of the Hulk or the Wicked Witch of the West. It’s also a key component of any rainbow garden. Green is good! Zinnia If you’ve followed along so far, then you’ll recognize a theme developing in my rainbow garden. Zinnias! I can’t say enough good things about their …

Yellow is for Zinnia and Bush Beans

In a contest of cheerfully colored flowers, is there anything that conveys happiness more than yellow? Add a pinch of yellow to a garden and you’re guaranteed to maintain a certain level of sunny cheer. Here’s what I chose for my slice of sunshine: Zinnia My yellow zinnias are part of the Hot Crayon Colors …

Orange is for Zinnia, Nasturtium and Calendula

I hold a special place in my heart for orange, because it’s one of the school colors of the University of Illinois. I challenge anyone who is regularly exposed to brilliant construction-orange over several years to not develop a special appreciation for this often overlooked color in gardens. Here are my orange plant picks that …

Red is for Amaranth and Peppers

R is the first letter in my pal Roy G. Biv’s name, so I’m going to start at the beginning and reveal which pretty and edible plants I’ll grow to highlight one of my favorite colors, red. Amaranth is an ancient grain crop from the New World that can be red, orange or green. A …

Sunshine and Rainbows

Everything isn’t sunshine and rainbows, except when you plant a rainbow-themed garden in the full sun! After a month of daydreaming, I’ve settled on a challenge for myself. I solemnly vow to fill my garden with colorful flowers and vegetables that represent red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, or as I prefer to …

White Coral Bells upon a Slender Stalk…

How many of you immediately thought of the next line in this song? Anyone…Bueller? Bueller? I can’t recall when and where I learned this song, but I must have been a little tyke because I can’t remember. Years passed without thinking much of the song. Then, “BAM!” the first year after I graduated from college …

Microgreens for Beginners: Steps for Planting

I subscribe to the notion that tiny versions of things are cute. Microgreens are cute. These sprouts are young plant seedlings of common vegetables and herbs that we eat when they are mature, such as kale, beets, broccoli and radishes. The term microgreen refers to how the sprouts are harvested when they grow their first …

Botanical Gardens are for Everyone

You never know what you’ll see when you go to a botanical garden. I take that back; you can be fairly certain you’ll see some plants, but other than that you won’t know what might be around the corner, especially if you visit during the time of a special exhibit. My family often makes a …